Australian Version
Our Year Planner (Term Overview) is great for all teachers to get an overview of their planning. Fully editable in Google Sheets. Merge, colour, add and remove as much as you like. This will save you time and make tracking your year a breeze.
Suitable for all years or grades.Comes in three template styles:
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Separate term tabs
Watch the Demo Here -
Includes premade areas for:
- Reading
- Writing
- Exploring Language/Spelling
- Visual Language
- Oral Language
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
- Basic Facts
The Arts
- Music
- Drama
- Dance
- Visual Arts
- Media Studies
Unit Topic
- Thematic/Integrated
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Technologies
- Health & PE
Religious Instruction (For Christian educators)
Assessment Dates
Event Date
Year/Term Planner - Australian Version
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File Type
Google Sheets™