This resource is a fun way to learn how to write a sentence.
Writing a sentence is broken into 7 steps:
•Choose the Subject (NOUN).
•Choose the Action (VERB).
•Write a basic sentence using subject and action.
•Think – Brainstorm what could happen.
•Add the extra details to the basic sentence.
•Check 1 – does it make sense?
•Check 2 – correct punctuation used?
A worksheet is provided for students to work through the steps and write a sentence.
All example fences are provided on one page that can be glued into their book for reference.
Extra fences are provided that give examples of each step and also ideas for what students could use in their sentence. You can choose which fences to use to display to help ‘build a sentence”.
I.e.: you may only want to add an adjective to the basic sentence so just use the adjective fence for displaying when teaching.
Please note: There is also a Build A Story Fence Resource.
Writing - Build A Sentence Fence
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