Bundle Description
This is a pack of reading responses for New Zealand Connected School Journal.
L2 - 2014-2019
The pack includes multiple reading responses for the articles in the Connected Journal.There is a worksheet for every article. They include specific questions based on the content of the article.
This is a great resource for using in your group teaching or independent work.
This pack includes Connected articles;
2019 - Wild Discoveries
- Amazing Algorithms
- The War on Weeds
- Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi
- Animation Creation
2018 - Step By Step
- Amazing Algorithms
- The War on Weeds
- Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi
- Animation Creations
2017 -Taking Action
- Down the Drain
- Space Food
- Bringing Back The Birdsong
- Gardening in the Living Room.
2016 - Show and Tell
- An Invasion of Yellow Crazies
- What’s Inside?
- Sun, Wind or Rain?
- I Am Alice
2015 - Have You Checked
- Why Do Our Muscles Get Tired?
- Operation Duck Pond
- Learning from the Tangata Whenua
- Heat It Up
2014 - How Do You Know
- Garden with Science
- Super Senses
- Winning the Bledisloe Cup
- Pop! Froth! Fizz!
- Making Amazing Places
- The Cardboard Cathedral
NZ Connected, L2, 2014-2019 Bundle
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Year 3-8
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