4 fun activities that your students will love
1.Create a Sport - Choice Cards!!
•Ball: 14 different types of balls
•Equipment: 14 different pieces of equipment
•Extra: 14 different ‘extra’ things to use
•Location: 14 different location areas
2.Create a Sport - Cards Crazy Fun Combos!
•A set of 32 cards that give a combination of: 1 type of ball, a piece of equipment, an extra something and a location. Students use these 4 combinations to create a new sport to be played.
3.Create a new sport to be played. Option One. 8 pages.
•A type of ball
•A main piece of equipment
•An ‘extra’ item
•A location where the game is to be played
4.Create a new sport to be played Option Two. 5 pages.
•A type of ball
•A main piece of equipment
•An ‘extra’ item
•A location where the game is to be played
Create A Sport Pack
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