This pack has been made to help teachers and students safely discuss bullying, - physical, verbal, social and cyber, what it is and what to do about it.
Included are:
Lesson idea/example for how to use this resource.
48 scenarios to discuss. Each scenario has the question to answer – what do you do? The scenarios include a combination of physical, verbal, social and cyber bullying examples.
An explanation/definition of each of the types of bullying – physical, verbal, social and cyber.
Ideas of What to do if
a)You see bullying happen
b)You hear a rumour or see social bullying
c)You are being bullied
d)Your friend is the bully
My hope is that, through answering the “what do you do” question, your students will feel empowered and know what they can do when they see or hear bullying happening. Hopefully, this will lead to less bullying if more students feel empowered to stand up against it.
Bullying - What Do You Do Scenarios
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